Saturday, August 4, 2007

Not there yet... more chinese dialogs

Ok.. so different versions of my password give different error messages :-)

This is the one I get when I enter what I think is my correct password (i got a bit confused to be honest). It's different than the one I get when I type just garbage. I have the Text Services setting turned off (and even set my default language to chinese at one point). So.. I can't get past this one... does any one know what it says?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I want my third life

Well.. I agreed, but settinh up HiPiHi turns out to be quite a challenge.
I am getting the login screen by now, but something goes wrong when trying to connect...

Does anyone know what this dialog says?

My third life

I am investigating a life next to my first, real one and my Second Life, called HiPiHi. It's a shameless chinese clone of Second Life. This could make it very appealing, as the chinese designers might have had the ability to build a great online world from the ground up, without having to go through the learning process LL had. Often, the first one to make a good clone of a great innovative software product becomes market leader.

Sow how does it compare with Second Life? Well, have a look at the license agreement in the englist setup program:

Well... I can't wait to Agree! Third brave new world, here I come! More reports will surely follow!